

洪小文博士是电气电子工程师学会院士(IEEE Fello微软亚洲研究院w),微软杰出首席科学家和国际公认的语音识别专家。洪博士现任《美国计算机协会通讯》(Communications of the ACM) 的编委,并在国际著名学术刊物及大会上发表过百余篇学术论文。他参与合著的《语音技术处理》(Spoken Language Processing)一书被全世界多所大学采用为语音技术教学课本。另外,洪博士在多个技术领域拥有36项专利发明。


演讲题目:Age of AI: Artificial Intelligence, Agglomerative Intelligence, Ambient Intelligence, and Adaptive Intelligence

摘要:The building of a computer that can intelligently carry out tasks that require “human level intelligence” has been a goal for computer scientist since the 1950’s. Since that  time, tasks that were considered to exhibit human level intelligence such as understanding natural language, carry out conversational speech, playing master level chess, and interpreting and understanding images have all seen a great deal of improvements and many have seen real world applications. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the progress of artificial intelligence and highlight some recent milestone results in image recognition, natural language understanding, and predict the progress of AI in research and application over the next 5-10 years.