


演讲题目:Computational Approaches to Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence

摘要:In this talk, we will introduce our new understandings on human intelligence and artificial intelligence. When talking about human intelligence, we usually mean two things, the cognitive intelligence, which is related to IQ, and the emotional intelligence, which is related to EQ. First, we will introduce our work about cognitive intelligence, i.e., how to make an agent or a robot be perceived cognitively intelligent. We will use an example to show how this can be done, i.e., developing knowledge-powered word embedding techniques to solve verbal comprehension questions in IQ tests. Second, we will introduce our work about emotional intelligence, i.e., how to make an agent or a robot be perceived emotionally intelligent. To do so, the key is to understand human and we will discuss how to model and understand human from three aspects: long term profile, short term interest, and instant action. We will show several examples to demonstrate our technologies.