
刘教授对计算机科学与工程的贡献跨及几个主要领域:实时系统,计算机辅助设计,大规模集成电路布局,组合优化,算法分析和离散数学。获得过电子设计自动化(EDA)领域里的最高奖:卡夫曼奖(The Kaufman Award)。1973年发表 的 “Scheduling algorithms for multiprogramming in a hard-real-time environment”迄今已被引用近万次, 而且对互联网的建立和发展也产生了很大影响。2013年,他的名字被选入“互联网名人榜”(Internet Hall of Fame)。刘教授也是一位知名的教育家。他所撰写的教科书,《离散数学基础》,曾被翻译成多种语言并在世界上很多大学广泛采用。
刘教授对中国的贡献远远超出了计算机领域。他大力推动两岸清华的合作和交流。并与北大、复旦、苏州、兰州大学开展了很多合作项目。他还担任了中国计算机学会《计算机科学与技术》英文版的顾问。2005年,2007年曾两次应邀在CNCC上作大会特邀报告。他对于高等教育的深刻思考,独特的见解, 和他在几所世界一流大学的多年实践,对我们正在摸索发展中的中国高等教育具有很高的启发性和帮助作用。


摘要:Mathematicians build bridges connecting seemingly unrelated mathematical concepts, and also bridges connecting the mathematical sphere to the physical, social, magical, and poetic spheres. We shall venture mostly into the magical sphere in this talk.

Bio: C. L. Liu received his B. Sc. degree at the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan and his S. M. and Sc. D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His teaching career spans over forty years, at MIT, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and the National Tsing Hua University, where he is now the William Mong Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science. His academic administrative duties include serving as Associate Provost at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign from 1996 to 1998, and as President of the National Tsing Hua University from 1998 to 2002.

His research areas are computer-aided design of VLSI circuits, computer-aided instruction, real-time systems, combinatorial optimization, and discrete mathematics. He has published over 180 technical papers, and 8 technical books. In addition, he has published 9 books which are essay collections (in Chinese). He serves on the Boards of a number of high tech companies and educational and charitable foundations in Taiwan. Since 2005, he hosts a weekly radio show on Technology and Humanities in radio stations in Hsinchu, Taipei, and Taichung.

He is a member of Academia Sinica, and a Fellow of IEEE and ACM. He received Honorary Doctoral Degrees from the University of Macao and the National Chengchi University. Among his major awards are the Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award from IEEE, the Phil Kaufman Award from CEDA, Technical Achievement Award from Real Time Systems Technical Committee, IEEE, Technical Achievement Award from Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE, and Education Medal from IEEE.